GLOBAL Summer 2022 Tour (Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Saudia Arabia) | GLOBAL, Inc.
Our mission is to give deserving children who would not otherwise have the opportunity, a chance to travel and spread love all over the globe through service and fellowship while simultaneously learning different cultures and seeing Earth's beauty through our G.L.O.B.A.L. Program.
"G.L.O.B.A.L." (Growing, Learning, Outreaching, Beyond Adjacent Lands)
All GLOBAL trips are rewarded at ZERO COST to our families and provide an incredible, life-changing experience for their children. Every child accepted into our program becomes a GLOBAL and will receive a GLOBAL package filled with GLOBAL merchandise for the trip.
Visit our website for more information or to apply to become a GLOBAL.
Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or subscribe to our YouTube Channel.
IG: @globalispossible
FB: Global, Inc.
YouTube: GLOBAL, Inc